Restag is an expert consultant for preparing all documentation required to seek approval by authorities for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) and Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA)

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) is a procedure that applies to plans and programs, while the Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA) is used to check the compatibility of projects with the environment. Both directives are support tools for authorities decision, aimed to improve public decisions transparency on plans, programs and projects that can have significant effects on the environment, allowing an evaluation of pro and cons, seen not only from an ecological-environmental point of view, but also in the social-economical context, for an optimimized resources management in view of a sustainable future.

The VAS and VIA are regulated by the Legislative Decree 152 dated 03/04/06, active since July 31st , 2007 and amended by the Legislative Decree No. 4 of 16/01/08 (Testo unico dell’Ambiente).